Ernst & Young


How can AI be the key to unlocking new opportunities in the German biotech sector?

Download your personal copy for cutting-edge insights and transformative trends that are shaping the industry:

  • The year in review: The German biotech industry is not realizing its full potential. However, it is characterized by great innovative strength and international attractiveness.
  • From personalized medicine to accelerated drug discovery: Explore how AI is not just a tool, but a game-changer for biotech.
  • Learn about the challenges and risks associated with AI in the context of its integration into the biotech sector.

Details zum Dokument

 Klaus Ort (EY),
 Viola Bronsema (BIO  Deutschland  e.V.)
Veröffentlichung   June 2024
Sprache  English
Seitenanzahl  58
Dokumententyp  PDF

EY Biotechnology Report 2024

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