EY Fabernovel

Copilot for Telcos: cost or opportunity?

In a highly competitive yet paradoxical market, how can Microsoft Copilot help Telcos outperform competition?

The telecommunications sector faces distinct challenges as it maneuvers through a CAPEX-intensive environment in an intensely competitive market with increasingly commoditized services. As we stand at the forefront of AI innovation, these challenges present a unique opportunity for transformation.

In our new whitepaper, “Copilot for Telcos: Cost or Opportunity?”, we delve into how Telcos can utilize Generative AI to achieve efficiencies at every organizational level while delivering superior services with higher employee satisfaction to outpace competitors.

Please complete the form below to discover 18 concrete function-based use cases of Copilot at every level and part of telco organizations, with time saved estimations for each.

To learn more about this publication, please contact Cyril Vart.

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