UK transfer pricing: New ‘Guidelines for Compliance’ released

Thursday,26 September 2024 | 15:00 - 16:00 BST

In this webcast, specialists from our UK transfer pricing team discuss the key points of the new UK transfer pricing ‘Guidelines for Compliance’.

This is a wide-ranging publication from HMRC (the UK tax authority). It is likely to have implications for most multinational groups operating in the UK.

In the webcast, the topics we will look at include:

  • The scope and layout of the new guidelines
  • Which taxpayers may be affected
  • The impact on tax governance roles
  • Risk areas perceived by HMRC
  • Possible immediate actions


Tarunya Kumar, Partner, International Tax, Ernst & Young LLP

David Baxendale
, Director, International Tax, Ernst & Young LLP

Aron Elsey
, Partner, International Tax, Ernst & Young LLP