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The Office Property Telescope
Spain`s Residential Market
Investment & Financing Keys

We invite you to connect with us to explore our in-depth real estate market analysis and comprehensive report.

Schedule a meeting with us today to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions

Contact: Javier García-Mateo,
MRICS, Partner | Strategy and Transactions | Head of Real Estate & Hospitality
[email protected]

And get to our Telescope Report, Our December 2024, extended Version with +300 pages of:

  • Macro economic office market,
  • European facts and performance, data
  • Spanish market understanding,
  • Supply and demand analysis: New supply, Vacancy, Rents…
  • Investments and transactions pipeline in Spain;
  • Financing market main drivers,
  • Detail of most active players and key financial terms offered,
  • Emerging trends within the segment,
  • Emerging trends within the segment
  • Key investment factors
  • A comprehensive overview of Madrid and Barcelona hotspots for offices

Descarga aquí el Resumen ejecutivo