Ernst & Young

BEPS 2.0 Pillar 2 webcast

Developments, lessons learned and ongoing QDMTT implementation

Most financial services firms are in the process of adapting to Pillar Two, starting with Q1 provisioning. However, new technical developments may affect current projects, lessons can be learned from early preparation and local Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax rules (Qualified Domestic Top-up Tax, QDMTT) are starting to be felt.

We invite you to join our EY Financial Services tax webcast, BEPS 2.0 Pillar 2 webcast: Developments, lessons learned and ongoing QDMTT implementation on Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at 13:30–14:45 BST / 14:30–15:45 CEST to get the latest developments on the new global minimum tax rules, local top-up taxes and their implications for businesses worldwide.

During the 75-minute webcast, our panel of EY tax professionals will discuss:
The latest OECD developments impacting company readiness
Key lessons learned from early preparation activity
The ongoing QDMTT activity in many countries
Please contact EY EMEIA FS tax team if you have any questions.
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